Bio card design featuring a smiling image of Alan Purves with his testimonial on one side and his biographical information presented on the other.

Dentist bio cards for The Gentle Touch


The Gentle Touch wanted to introduce three of their dentists to new patients and commissioned me to produce bio cards which would help patients get to know their new dentist.


I began by deciding what information patients might find interesting or useful to know about their dentist. Along with the expected information about training, career and professional specialisms, I chose to include a section about them ‘after hours’ and a piece written in their own words to give an idea of their personalities and of them as individuals.

I then set about gathering the resources I would need: the factual information, written content and images. I art-directed a photoshoot to achieve images which presented each dentist as a friendly and welcoming professional.

Once I had all the content assembled, I created a design which presented the information clearly and arranged for each card to be printed and delivered to the client.